At work a co-worker of mine gave me a sock with rice in it and told me to heat it up in the microwave. I was so desperate to get some relief I decided to give it a try. It was amazing! I laid that hot rice filled sock on face for about 5-10 minutes and felt so much relief. It was an almost instant relief. I decided make my own rice sock to keep on hand at the house. These are great for any other kind of inflammation, sinuses or muscle pain.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
At work a co-worker of mine gave me a sock with rice in it and told me to heat it up in the microwave. I was so desperate to get some relief I decided to give it a try. It was amazing! I laid that hot rice filled sock on face for about 5-10 minutes and felt so much relief. It was an almost instant relief. I decided make my own rice sock to keep on hand at the house. These are great for any other kind of inflammation, sinuses or muscle pain.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Thursday, January 31, 2013
save money.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Homemade Mouse Repellents & Baits: {DIY Recipes & Tips}
If you’ve spotted mice or their droppings inside and around your home, you’ll need to get rid of them asap before they multiply and do damage to your house.
They can also carry disease or be infested with fleas and mites that will eventually find their way to your pets, magnifying the problem even more.
Here are a couple recipes I’ve collected for natural repellents that can be used around the yard as well as tips for baiting and using mousetraps indoors.
For Outdoors
2 TBS Castor oil
6 TBS liquid dish washing soap
1 tsp Tabasco
1 minced garlic clove
1 quart water
6 TBS liquid dish washing soap
1 tsp Tabasco
1 minced garlic clove
1 quart water
- Directions: Mix a fresh batch before use, pour around the rodent hole. Reapply after each rain. Source: Natural Alternatives for You and Your Home by Casey Kellar.
1/2 cup liquid detergent
1 TBS Tabasco sauce
1 gallon of water
1 TBS Tabasco sauce
1 gallon of water
- Directions: Mix and spray around rodent holes and in areas where they’ve been spotted. Apply after each rain.
Plant repellents: Peppermint, sage. Plant these in your garden and in flower beds along the house if you routinely have a problem.
For Indoors
Instead of using repellents indoors to encourage the critters to move along, you’ll want to trap them with inexpensive commercial mousetraps (otherwise they’ll just set up shop somewhere else inside the house).
First remove any food sources they have found (look for bags or cardboard boxes chewed open somewhere along the bottom), scrub clean all food storage areas and make sure there are no other food sources for them (other than what you’ve set out for them).
Effectively contain food and pantry items in sealed plastic containers, metal bins and glass jars. Do not leave any pet food sitting out and make sure pet feeding dishes are washed thoroughly after the last feeding of the day. Wash up any dirty dishes and wipe down food prep surfaces before going to bed at night.
Bait Suggestions:
- Peanut butter
- Pieces of banana
- Raisins
- Small pieces of bacon or pork fat
Dry cement powder
- Directions: Mix 50/50 and place in a shallow dish or station in the path used by rodents (can be used for inside control). After feeding the mouse will seek water outside which causes the cement powder to react, quickly killing it. Source:
Tips from a vintage homemaking book:
Position traps close to floor boards in areas where mice or feces have been spotted. If children or pets are in the home, choose locations where they won’t have access to the poison. Keep setting a fresh batch out each night for at least a week to ensure they all have been snagged.They are inexpensive and if enough are set, often a dozen or more, an entire colony may be wiped out in one night. Mice are creatures of habit and, as a rule, travel over the same routes night after night. If their paths can be discovered, set traps along them. Sometimes they may be fooled by making a runway of boxes and putting the trap at the end. Set traps around any secluded areas, under sinks and around possible food sources, such as garbage cans and cupboards. Set them in the kitchen, pantry, larder and cellar, or wherever signs of their presence have been noticed. Place the trap with the bait next to the wall (or pail, etc.).For bait, use other foods in addition to cheese. They really prefer fresh bread, cake or doughnuts. They are also fond of peanut butter, chocolate, freshly fried bacon, sardines, nuts, bananas or apple parings. Another option said to be excellent is a mixture of peanut butter, rolled oats and chopped-up raisins, seasoned with a dash of aniseed oil.To set the trap, press or tie the bait firmly onto the trigger. Set it so the trigger is released at the slightest disturbance.Source: Woman’s Home Companion Household Notebook (1948)
- Remove any nesting hot spots such as piles of newspapers, cardboard, wood, weeds and debris.
- Keep trees trimmed away from the house (at least three feet).
- Did you know: pet feces can attract rodents? Keep your yard clean.
- Tracking them: they typically move around similar paths, if they’re inside try spreading talcum powder along the floor boards where you think they may be, you’ll see their footprints and may find their hiding spot.
- Seal any holes, cracks or openings to the home with tightly packed steel wool and make sure all window screens fit snugly and have no rips or tears.
List of Fruits and Vegetables for Amazing Energy and Health
In this list of fruits and vegetables, you can see how many health benefits of fruits and vegetables exist, and why you should eat as many as you can everyday. They are low in fat, calories, and sodium, have no cholesterol, and are high in fiber.
Fiber from fruits and vegetables helps fill you up so don't feel like eating more, and it also helps move the digestive process along. Of course, these foods are also full of vitamins and minerals that provide your body with energy.
Most people eat too few on this list of fruits and vegetables, both in quantity a day and in variety. The most consumed vegetables in America are potatoes, lettuce, and tomatoes. The people who eat the most vegetables and fruits in the USA have the lowest risk for chronic diseases.
Also, those people are less likely to need vitamins and supplements to have a healthy diet since the vegetables and fruits provide all the nutrition they need.
The list of fruits and vegetables shows thephytochemicals, which are chemicals that come from plants and provide color to the food. There are more than12,000 phytochemicals in nature, and eating fruits and vegetables, rather than using supplements, is the best way to make sure you are getting enough of them in your diet. Each color food has a different type of phytochemical that helps your immune system function properly.
Red Fruits and Vegetables
The phytochemicals in red foods are carotenoids and anthocyanins. One of the most abundant carotenoids is lycopene. Lycopene helps reduce damage from free radicals in your body and it also prevents heart disease, cancer, prostrate problems, and reduces the skin damage from the sun. These red foods help memory function, urinary tract health, and makes your heart healthy.
Red fruits and vegetables are also often very high in vitamin C, which helps encourage cellular renewal in your body.
Learn more about the health benefits of tomatoes, the benefits of apples, and the benefits of strawberries, and even the benefits of vinegar, a byproduct of red fruits. My favorite is raw apple cider vinegar.
Orange Fruits and Vegetables
Carotenoids are the powerful phytochemical in orange foods, and they are what give the foods their color. Carotenoids repair DNA and help prevent cancer and heart disease, as well as strengthening our vision.
These orange foods also give us the right amount of potassium and vitamin A, which keeps our eyes and skin healthy, and protects against infections. They are also known to boost the immune system because of the vitamin C content in many of them. Some of these also cross over with the health benefits of the yellow foods below.
Learn more about the amazing, packed with nutrients pumpkin nutritionand the health benefits of carrots.
Yellow Fruits and Vegetables
Yellow foods are high in antioxidants like vitamin C. Vitamin C keeps our teeth and gums healthy, helps to heal cuts, improves the mucus membranes (like when we have colds), helps to absorb iron, prevents inflammation, improves circulation, and therefore prevents heart disease. Some of the darker ones also cross over with the health benefits of orange foods.
Learn more about the health benefits of bananas.
Green Fruits and Vegetables
These foods have the phytochemicals sulforaphane and indoles, which both prevent cancer. They are also good for the circulatory system and have good vitamin B and minerals.
On this list of fruits and vegetables, the vitamin K in green foods also helps with vision, and with maintaining strong bones and teeth. Some of the yellower green vegetables have carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that help to prevent cataracts and eye disease, as well as osteoporosis.
You can also learn about:
- The health benefits of seaweed
- My favorite green with kale nutrition
- The notorious health benefits of broccoli
- The creamy, velvety, delicious benefits of avocado
Greenish/White Fruits and Vegetables
The strong phytochemical in these whitish/greenish vegetables is called allicin and allium, which create an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral chemical environment in your body.
Some white foods prevent cancer and heart disease, and lower cholesterol levels. Celery is often dubbed as a useless vegetable because it has no calories, but it does have minerals like good sodium that help keep the joints healthy. The selenium in mushrooms helps prevent cancer and keeps your body in balance.
Everything on this greenish/white list of fruits and vegetables helps maintain low cholesterol levels in your body as well as a healthy heart.
Learn about the greenish-white foods here:
Blue/Indigo/Violet Fruits and Vegetables
The blue, indigo, and violet list of fruits and vegetables are great for their anti-aging properties. These foods have tons of antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins and phenolics. Some blue and purple fruits and vegetables are also really high in vitamin C.
Anything in this category will help improve circulation and prevent blood clots, so they are great for the heart and can help prevent heart disease. They are also known to help memory function and urinary tract health and to reduce free radical damage.
An especially healthful fruit in the blue group is the blueberry; learn about the health benefits of blueberries.
I hope you've enjoyed our list of fruits and vegetables.
source :
10 Medicinal Herbs You Should Know
ONE hundred years ago, the kitchen garden was also the medicine garden, and plants which produced medicinal benefit were part of the working knowledge of the common people. Those plants which were difficult to cultivate were sought in the surrounding fields and meadows, then preserved and added to the harvest storehouse to soothe and heal the illnesses of winter.
With the advent of the chemically synthesized drugs, the home pharmacy has all but disappeared, and with it the knowledge of simple herbal remedies for common ailments. This knowledge is now resurfacing: researched and regenerated by people who want to take an active and independent role in their own health care.
A very necessary part of this renaissance is self-education. Starting is easy. Just familiarize yourself with a few key herbs and begin to use them in your daily life. As you see how effective they are it will spark your desire to learn more, and you're on your way!
Following is a list of 10 commonly available herbs and simple ways to use them in personal health maintenance. These herbs are easily available and fulfill a wide range of benefits with a minimum amount of effort.
VALERIAN ROOT (Valeriana officinalis) - Valerian is classed as a nervine and sedative with mild pain relieving properties, which makes it a good candidate for stress, anxiety and restless insom¬ nia. It has also been used for intestinal colic, menstrual cramps, migraine headache, and rheumatic pain. Although it smells like well used socks, the extract and tea are both recommended.
ALOE LEAF (Aloe Vera) - This plant has hundreds of uses, the most popular being its ability to alleviate the pain of burns and to speed their healing. It is very easily cultivated as a house plant, and should be in every kitchen. It is the best remedy for sunburn, often preventing later peeling. Immediately immerse the burn in cold water or apply ice until the heat subsides, then generously apply the aloe. It is best to trim the prickly sides off the succulent leaf, then split the leaf in half and gently rub the exposed gel onto the affected area. Aloe may also be ap¬ plied to any cut or skin abrasion, and onto skin eruptions, re¬ markably speeding healing. To relieve the pain and itching of hemorrhoids, carve out a suppository sized chunk of the inner leaf gel and insert into the rectum.
COMFREY LEAF/ROOT (Symphytum officinalis) - Comfrey should be grown as a house plant in every home. Like Aloe, it is a natural herbal bandaid, useful for cuts, scrapes and burns. It is styp¬ tic, which means that it will stop bleeding. Commonly known as "knit-bone," it stimulates tissue regeneration. Used externally as a poultice, it helps heal bone fractures and deep wounds. Recovery rate is accelerated with use of this fresh plant poul¬ tice on muscle, tendon and ligamentous injuries. Thoroughly cleanse the wound with an antiseptic first,because Comfrey is so quick to regenerate the tissue that it will seal over the wound with the bacteria still inside.
DANDELION ROOT (Taraxacum officinalis) - Dandelion is naturally high in potassium, making it a safe diuretic, increasing the ability to eliminate waste products through the urinary channels. It helps restore kidney function and relieves liver and spleen congestion. It is extremely beneficial as a spring tonic which stimulates sluggish liver function. The root should be made into a strong decoction, which means that it should be cut into small pieces and simmered in a glass or enamel vessel for at least 10 minutes before straining and drinking. The fresh plant fluid extract can also be used. set 20-30 drops into a cup of hot water and drink as a tea.
KELP (Nereocystis leutkeana) -The kelp family, which includes kombu, wakame, arame and hijiki, is known for its ability to combat the effects of radiation in the body. Radioactive stron¬ tium-90, one of the more prevalent sources of radiation, is stored in our bones, and contributes to long term diseases such as leukemia, bone cancer, Hodgkins disease, anemia, and decreased production of red and white blood cells. The sodium alginate found in the kelp family binds with the radioactive isotope in the gastrointestinal tract and forms an insoluble gel like salt called strontium alginate, which is safely excreted in the feces. (For more information on radiation detoxification, see Fighting Radiation with Foods, Herbs and Vitamins, by Steven Schechter, ND. Kelp is recommended as a daily addition to the diet)
GARLIC BULB (Allium sativum) - Best known for its antibiotic effect, garlic bulbs or the milder garlic greens can be eaten raw at the onset of a cold or flu. A small piece of bread may be necessary to make the spicyness more palatable. You can grow garlic greens by planting the bulbs in a 4-inch-deep pot, and trimming them to use in salads or stir fry dishes. Garlic oil is effectively used for ear infections. It is easily made by finely chopping enough fresh organic garlic bulbs to fill a jelly jar, and covering them with organic olive oil. Cover the jar with cheesecloth held on with a rubber band. Let the mixture sit in a warm room for a week or a sunny window for several hours (if you need it right away).
Strain the oil and store it in an amber glass jar. The warmed oil is then placed in the ear and plugged with a cotton ball. Leave in overnight and treat nightly until the infection is gone. This therapy is not to be used in cases of eardrum perforation. A wonderful garlic cough syrup can be made by simmering freshly chopped garlic in apple cider vinegar for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting liquid, add honey and simmer down until the mixture is thick and syrupy. The vinegar neutralizes the garlic taste, making it much more tolerable, yet preserving the antibiotic effect.
GINGER ROOT (Zinziber officiale) - Ginger has a carminative ef¬ fect, which means that it will help relieve digestive problems which result in gas formation. It is also a diaphoretic, used both as a tea and added to a soaking bath to stimulate sweating and reduce fevers. In cases of abdominal menstrual cramping, a ginger fomentation can be made. A fomentation is prepared by slicing 1-3 large roots into a half gallon of water and simmering in a covered pan for at least 30 minutes. A cotton cloth is then dipped in the mixture, wrung out (wear rubber gloves, it's hot!) and applied to the abdomen as hot as can be withstood. Two folded bath towels are placed on top to help maintain the heat of the fomentation as the therapy progresses. Internally, 1/4 teaspoon of ginger or one dropperful of the fluid extract can be added to 1 cup of warm water to alleviate nausea/morning sickness/motion sickness and to aid digestion.
ST. JOHN'S WORT (Hypericum perforatum) - The extract and oil are used externally for bruises, strains, sprains, contusions and wounds. The extract is used internally as an immune system stimu¬ lant, for retro-viral infections, as an expectorant and antibac¬ terial. It speeds the healing of wounds and burns and aids the regeneration of damaged nerve tissue. It is used as an anti-de¬ pressant and to treat bed wetting and children's nightmares. It is also known as Klamath weed, a common pasture plant, and is found throughout the U.S.
ECHINACEA ROOT (Echinacea angustifolia) - A powerful immune stimulant, Echinacea has become increasingly popular in recent years. Its antiseptic and anti-viral properties are used for sore throats, flu, colds, infections and allergies. It also has tumor inhibiting properties. The most potent form is a fresh plant fluid extract,however, medicinal benefit can also] be derived by mixing a decoction, as explained under Dandelion.
BURDOCK ROOT (Arcticum lappa) - Well know as a blood detoxifica¬ tion agent and eaten as a vegetable known as Gobo in oriental cuisine, Burdock root is available throughout the U.S. It is used for skin eruptions and dry scaly skin conditions. Burdock is also used as a digestive stimulant and to lower blood sugar. Its seed is used as a diuretic and kidney tonic. The root is now found in supermarkets and can be cooked as a vegetable or made into a decoction. Fresh plant fluid extracts of the root and seed are also available in health food stores.
It is vitally important to properly identify the plant you are harvesting before you use it. Forest Service visitor centers carry plant identification books for their region, and the Petersen Field Guide series plus a range of medicinal plant hand¬ books are also sources of botanical identification. Most of these books can be found in local bookstores. It is wise to take classes or go with an experienced guide when you are in the early learning stages. Herbs are precious natural resources, and should be ecologically harvested. The following guidelines for harvest¬ ing help insure herb potency and purity and help preserve the species for further enjoyment.
source :
Monday, January 28, 2013
Refrigerator Dill Pickles

1/4 to 1/3 cup granulated sugar
1-1/2 cups distilled white vinegar
3/4 teaspoon dill seeds
2 cups hot water
3/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh dill
3 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
4 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
1 teaspoon coriander seeds
2 pounds kirby cucumbers, sliced 1/4-inch thick
1) Combine vinegar, sugar, salt, mustard seeds, coriander seeds and dill seeds in a heatproof bowl. Add hot water and stir until sugar dissolves and liquid is clear. Cool to room temperature.
2) Place cucumbers, garlic and dill in a large bowl. Toss to combine. Pour brine over all and turn to coat cucumbers. Cover them with a plate to weigh them down and keep them covered in brine. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight, stirring once or twice. Transfer to an airtight container and store for up to two weeks. Yield: 1 quart.
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